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Award-winning soprano, Nina Korbe, is quickly establishing herself as one of Australia’s leading young sopranos. She has been praised for her creamy tone, brilliant top notes and sensitive performances - which continue to delight critics and audiences.

Nina received her Bachelor of Music (with Distinction) from the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University and her Master of Arts (Performance - with Distinction) from the Royal Academy of Music in London. Performance highlights throughout her studies included Arminda (La finta giardiniera), Héro (Béatrice et Bénédict), Ilia (Idomeneo) and Little Miss Manifest in the World Premiere of Freya Walley-Cohen’s Witch. 


For Opera Queensland, she has appeared in their productions of La bohème, Die Fledermaus, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Peter Grimes and Verdi's Requiem and this year is a returning Young Artist. In concert, she has been engaged as soloist by Camerata Chamber Orchestra, Queensland Ballet, Southern Cross Soloists and the Goldner String Quartet.

In 2024, Nina made her Opera Australia début as Maria in West Side Story and sand Lisette in Puccini’s La rondine for Victorian Opera. She has been welcomed back as Artist in Residence with the Queensland Youth Orchestra. In this capacity, she has sung Ravel’s Shéhérazade at the Musikverein in Vienna, Stiftung Mozarteum in Salzburg and Laieszhalle in Hamburg.

As a proud Koa, Kuku Yalanji, Wakka Wakka woman, she is actively involved in the championing of Indigenous Voices; Nina sits on Queensland Youth Orchestra’s Reconciliation Action Plan Board and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s First Nations Advisory Board. She is also the First Nations advisor to the Australian Music Foundation Australia.



Nina Korbe


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“In the supporting roles of Prunier and Lisette, Queenslanders Douglas Kelly and Nina Korbe are perfect…Korbe is stunning, her soprano glorious at the top and her characterisation delightful.”

Bridget Davies, The Age

“Korbe’s ethereal and soaring vocals were rich with meaning, while her warm and powerful soprano rose easily above the excellent accompaniment by strings and woodwind…It was followed by Ravel’s Cinq mélodies populaires grecques, five colourful songs with a distinct nod to Greek folk music. Korbe sang these with a joyful exuberance that was as sensual as it was melodic, with excellent phrasing…Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Nightingale and the Rose, Op.2 No.2 with its shimmering harmonies and lyrical melodies is a gem. It was played with heartfelt emotion by second violin, Courtney Cleary, and sung with ravishing top notes and depth of expression by Korbe.”

Suzannah Conway, Arts Hub

“Korbe's voice soared and floated above the ensemble with a tender grace. Note the name – Nina Korbe. We will be hearing much more from her…Korbe infused the Ravel songs with exuberant joy, her phrasing impeccable, her moods shifting with captivating nuance. The violin and voice duet was particularly enchanting, hinting at a luminous future for this young soprano.”

John Andrew, Weekend Notes

“A program change combined Ravel’s Vocalise-étude en forme de Habanera with his Cinq mélodies populaires grecques. Korbe sparkled, showcasing her burgeoning vocal talent with the pedagogic technical piece involving staccato, trills and scales.”

Dr Gemma Regan, Limelight

"Making a highly auspicious professional musical theatre debut, opera singer Nina Korbe plays Maria with a calm and centred presence. A pleasure to hear, Korbe’s vocals are rich and warm, affectingly conveying the myriad passions experienced by the headstrong young woman."

Simon Parris, Man in the Chair

"Korbe is starting to move up the operatic ladder and Maria is a wonderful part for her. She’s a natural who looks the part effortlessly and brings a gleaming, expressive soprano to the show’s loveliest songs, including the imperishable Tonight and Somewhere."

Deborah Jones, The Australian

"First Nations soprano, Nina Korbe, is a beautiful, vivacious Maria. It’s easy to see why Tony would fall in love with her on first sight. She is also a resourceful actress who managed to make convincing the difficult I Feel Pretty scene in which Maria is so giddily in love that her friends can barely recognise her."

Bill Stephens OAM, Australian Arts Review

 "The Australian, who comes from an Aboriginal family, brought to life in her interpretation the fluctuating emotional worlds of the famous storyteller from "A Thousand and One Nights" between determination, fragility and passion."

Helmut Peters, Hamburger Abendblatt

"Nina Korbe sings ‘Where?’ from The Rabbits (Kate Miller-Heidke) with crystal-clarity, making tears flow throughout the audience."

Marika Bryant, Australian Stage

"With a lovely creamy voice and excellent top notes, her voice soared ethereally..."

Suzannah Conway, Arts Hub

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